St Sava Ball - London 2023

St Sava Ball - London 2023
Event info:
St Sava's Ball 2023 Raffle & Auction is available here.
Join us for a memorable and magical evening of celebration and fundraising. With glittering performances, sumptuous food, stunning surroundings and enough sparkle to see you through the festive season, this is an evening not to be missed.
The Patron of St Sava Ball is the Hilandar Monastery
With the blessing of Lord Methodius, abbot of the Holy Imperial Lavra of the Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos, the Hilandar Monastery will be the patron of the Svetosava Ball.
That evening we will have a unique opportunity to drink wines from Hilandar with an exhibition of photos from Hilandar...
Dress Code:
Black Tie.
The St Sava Ball 2023 guest list:
- Famous Serbian Musician ( poznati srpski Muzicar ) Mr /G-din Nikola Mijajlovic, solo truba
- Tamara Radjenovic, Soprano
- Matija Beckovic, Writer & Author, Member of Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
- Milan Mitrovic, Director of Grand Production
- Vitomir Kovačević - piano keyboard
Simo Šišević has graduated from the Royal College of Music in piano, conducting and
composition. He is a recipient of many national and international competition awards. He is
currently doing his Master’s degree at the ‘’Accademia del Riddoto’’ in Italy in the class of
famous Russian pianist Boris Berman. From September 2023 Simo will commence his
second Master’s degree at the Royal College of Music. He regularly perfoms in the UK and
Simo Šišević je osnovne studije klavira, dirigovanja i kompozicije završio na Royal College of
Music. Dobitnik je nagrada i priznanja na državnim i međunarodnim takmičenjima. Trenutno
studira master studije u klasi poznatog ruskog pijaniste i pedagoga Borisa Bermana na
“Accademia del Riddoto” u Italiji. Od septembra 2023. će započeti i drugi master takođe na
Kraljevskom muzičkom koledžu. Redovno nastupa u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i Evropi.
Luka Perazić is the student of 4 th grade of violin at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
He was perfecting himself with many professors and conductors and performs regularly in
Montenegro and England.
Luka Perazić je student četvrte godine violine na muzičkom konzervatorijumu "Guildhall
School of Music and Drama". Usavršavao se kod mnogih profesora i dirigenata, a nastupa
često u Crnoj Gori i Engleskoj.
Strahinja Mitrovic is a double bass player on his 3rd year of studies at Guildhall School of
Music and Drama. He has got the scholarships from Sbb Foundation, Foundation ‘’Dobar
glas’’, Guildhall school as well as the Ministy of Culture of Serbia. He is a member of ‘’String
representation’’ led by Stefan Milenković. Stahinja performs regularly as a soloist and a
chamber musician.
Strahinja Mitrović je student treće godine kontrabasa na Guildhall školi za dramu i muziku.
Stipendista je Sbb Fondacije, Fondacije dobar glas, Guildhall škole kao i Ministarstva za
kulturu. Član je gudačke reprezentacije Srbije pod mentorstvom Stefana Milenkovića.
Strahinja takođe redovno nastupa kao solista i kamerni svirač.
Nikola Mijajlovič is a professor of trumpet at the Music Academy in Cetinje (Montenegro)
and Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina). He is a first trumpeter in orchestras Camerata Serbica, Makris as well as the member of Symphony Orchestra RTS- He has perfomed with Placido Domingo, Andrea Bocelli, Sting, Deep Purple and many more…
Nikola Mijajlović je profesor trube na akademiji na Cetinju(CG) i Bijeljini(BiH)
Prvi je solo trubač orkestra Camerata Serbica, orkestra Makris, kao i član u Simfonijskom
Orkestru RTS-a…
Nastupao je kao solista sa Plasidom Domingom, Andreom Bočelijem, Stingom, Deep Purple i
Tamara Rađenović, sopran, has graduated voice perfomance at the Royal College of Music.
At the age of 19, her talent was recognized and supported by opera legend Montrserrat
Caballe in whose concerts she performed when she was 19 and 20. So far, she performed in
14 countries and she had numerous solo concerts. Highlights are her 2 solo concerts at New
York’s Carnegie Hall.
Tamara Rađenović, sopran, je diplomirala solo pjevanje na Royal College of Music. Sa 19
godina je njen talenat podržala operska legenda Montserrat Caballe na čijim koncertima je
nastupala sa 19 i 20 godina. Do sada je nastupala u 14 država svijeta i imala brojne solističke
koncerte a posebnu pažnju zauzimaju njena 2 solistička koncerta u njujorškom Carnegie
Make sure you’re there on our big night!
It promises to be the most memorable of occasions and we look forward to seeing you there.
£135 per person, to include a champagne and rakija reception, three course dinner and unlimited drinks.
Guests will be seated on group tables, each with a maximum capacity of 11 persons. Seating preferences may be expressed via either of the booking options listed directly below.
Tickets are available for purchase here. Alternatively, and to help the Serbian Heritage Foundation Petar II Petrovic Njegos avoid transaction fees, payment can be arranged via bank transfer (BACS) with invoices provided upon request - please email
The St Sava Charity Ball 2023 Gold Sponsors will benefit from full marketing exposure pre, during and post the ball. As our Gold Sponsor, you will be able to widen your brand recognition at every given chance in association with this special night.
Gold Sponsor
The benefits begin long before the event…
The Gold Sponsors branding will be displayed alongside The St Sava Charity Ball, all event material and our website home page.
All pre-event marketing material will contain the Gold Sponsor logo marking.
All credits will be alluded as being “in association with” the Gold Sponsor in all advertising and marketing material.
As a Gold Sponsor you will receive a dedicated page on the website, with a hyperlink directing to your website.
A feature article in a pre-event html email newsletter.
Exposure on our social media platforms
Gold Sponsor package on the night benefits...
The host will give a special mention and thank you to all sponsors but will give 5 minutes to Gold Sponsors to address the guests.
A prime position table of 10. (Any additional tickets can be purchased prior to the event).
A page advert in the event brochure.
Logo will be printed on all table menus.
Logo to be printed on all signage and banners for the event.
All credits will be alluded as being “in association with” the Gold Sponsor in all advertising and marketing material.
The benefits don’t end after the night...
Clearly marked as Gold Sponsor in post-event marketing material including any video productions which will be displayed on our website.
Branding and picture coverage on all post event will be reported in various medias including newspapers, magazines, websites, social media channels.
If you would like to donate some money to the help the evening shine bright in everyones memory for years to come, and receive special benefits on the night and PR opportunities, then all you need to do is either email Dejan at and he will contact you to discover which type of sponsor package you would like.
Our Silver Sponsor will be given marketing exposure pre, during and post ball. As a Silver Sponsor you will be able to widen your brand recognition at every given opportunity in partnership with the St Sava Charity Ball.
The benefits begin long before the event…
Your logo will appear on St Sava Charity Ball website, in numerous places and a hyperlink directing to the your website..
You will also get feature article in a pre-event html email newsletter.
Exposure on our social media platforms
Silver Sponsor package also includes on the night benefits...
A prime position table of 10.
(Any additional tickets can be purchased prior to the event).
The host will give a special mention and thank you to all sponsors.
A half page advert in event brochure
Pictures coverage on all post event will be reported in various medias including newspapers, magazines, websites, social media channels.
If you would like to donate some money to the help the evening shine bright in everyones memory for years to come, and receive special benefits on the night and PR opportunities, then all you need to do is either email Dejan at and he will contact you to discover which type of sponsor package you would like.
The benefits begin long before the event…
Your logo will appear on St Sava Charity Ball website, in numerous places and a hyperlink directing to your website.
You will also get feature in a pre-event html email newsletter
Exposure on our social media platforms
Bronze Sponsor package also includes on the night benefits...
A table of 5.
(Any additional tickets can be purchased prior to the event).
The host will give a special mention and thank you to all sponsors.
A quarter page advert in event brochure
Picture coverage on all post event will be reported in various medias including newspapers, magazines, websites, social media channels.
If you would like to donate some money to the help the evening shine bright in everyone’s memory for years to come, and receive special benefits on the night and PR opportunities, then all you need to do is either email Dr Dejan Maras at and he will contact you to discover which type of sponsor package you would like.
We are looking for some truly out of this world gifts for our prestigious auction. Items or experiences that will really make people go ‘wow’, and are above and beyond the norm.
We really need to get people whipped up into a bidding frenzy, so if you think that you have a product or experience that has that special something then we would love to hear from you.
Please contact our team on the form below, telling us about the prize you would like to donate and we will be in touch to discuss further and arrange collection if needed. We will also ask for your company logo, so that it can be added to the sponsors section on our website.
Please use the contact form below to tell us about your Company and prize and we will be in contact very soon.
Event Date
11-Feb-2023 @ 18:00 h -
Event Location
Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington, Scarsdale Pl, London W8 5SY